Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Can You Get Herpes Fro Sharing Pants

Reading Under the Tree / Science Fiction and Myth

Among the many presents under the tree can not miss a good book, even better if taken from one of the many universes videogame that accompany us throughout the year. Continues to successfully expand the catalog of lectures published by Editions Multiplayer.it, which now includes all of the games industry's best known brands.

Title : Dead Space: Martyr
Author: BK Evenson
Publisher: Editions Multiplayer.it
Genre: fiction
Topic: SF
Pages: 422

Party on the sly but always capable of winning more followers by word of mouth, Dead Space has now established itself as a universe capable of embracing the most diverse media. From video games to comics and cartoons, to arrive in our hands in the form of novel. In this case it is a prequel to the adventures that they see Isaac Clarke involved in the carnage on board the spaceship Ishimura. Instead the protagonist is Michael Altman, a scientist that one of the first decided to investigate the anomalies coming from the center of the Chicxulub crater in Yucatan, where the legends handed down for centuries among the local population.
The tail of the devil "and its symbols become the fulcrum around which unravels the mystery adventure, which prefers to dwell on the psychological and religious rather than on ' action, creating an exciting novel to read with bated breath. The first half of the book - where the roles of the characters take shape little by little - is particularly intriguing. The point of view shifts frequently on various fronts of the story allowing the reader to draw itself head in a picture, getting answers to questions in a balanced manner and without worries. A lot of the dialogues, for a novel that unfortunately does not spend too many words to describe people and places, omitting details that would ensure the pace slowed, but also increased the overall involvement.

The strength of Dead Space: Martyr remains to be, too detached from the game, a good novel. Being a prequel, not insisting that the reader already knows part of the universe or the characters, allowing any fan of science fiction to immerse themselves in the story. On the other hand, the connoisseurs of the series will have the opportunity to deepen the background that led to the events on the Ishimura, giving a face and a story with familiar names. The translation into Italian by Beatrice Noberasco is smooth and generally well made and are rare typing errors that plagued the first publications of the publisher ours. Pending gaming output of the second episode on Jan. 25, Dead Space: Martyr is the perfect pastime.

Title: God of War
Author: Matthew Stover and Robert E. Vardeman
Publisher: Editions Multiplayer.it
Genre: fiction
Topic: Mythology / action
Pages: 313

After inflamed the pads of PlayStation, the battle between Kratos and deadly Ares the god of war is also space on the printed page, with a novel that takes hand in hand dell'antieroe bloody deeds. From the battle against the Hydra until the epilogue in un'Atene consumed by flames, the authors follow in the footsteps traced by Santa Monica Studios, adding only a few details here and there to act to deepen the story.

The result is a novel by the apparent ups and downs: on the one hand, it is carried away by the whims of the gods, and especially cunning of Athena - that moves everything and everyone as pawns on the chessboard with interesting dialogues - Part of the continuing carnage Ghost of Sparta are struggling to renew itself gradually that you go on reading. Who has tried the game will follow the exploits of the various mental picture quick time event and the final performances, but those who think they find something more may remain empty-handed.

God of War is thus an end in itself novel, overall enjoyable if taken lightly, but which lack the will - or ability - to make the leap from mere transposition gaming experience to embrace the dynamics of the story . Curated by Francesca Noto, the Italian translation is well made although we highlight a few drops of tone due to a proofreading is not always accurate.

Title: Mass Effect: Retribution
Author: Drew Karpyshyn
Publisher: Editions Multiplayer.it
Genre: fiction
Topic: SF
Pages : 324

The third book set in the universe of BioWare's masterpiece continues to be a good example of how to merge literature and video games. Direct sequel to Ascension, Retribution becomes complementary gaming experience by narrating the events after a Mass Effect 2, where Paul Grayson, a former member of Cerberus, becomes a guinea pig as a laboratory for studying the Raiders through an installation of their technology. One story that ranks alongside the adventures of Shepard and offers the opportunity to further the story as a whole and to the discovery of truth plots just mentioned in the video game. Besides returning Paul Anderson and the commander on the scene Kahlee Sanders, former star of two previous books, but also the mysterious man, the sole owner - apparently - the truth about the Raiders.

Karpyshyn Drew's style (which is also one of the writers of the game) was consolidated with the previous stories and remains unchanged in Retribution, encouraging frequent exchange of views in order to introduce new scenes, accompanied by a fair descriptive ability. We still lack an adequate psychological depth of the characters, which are often conform to stereotypes of good or evil at all costs. In any event, Retribution plays an excellent job to immerse the player even more in the work of science fiction BioWare, paving the way for further development and interactive entertainment, and literature. Once again we are witnessing an open ending that leaves room for interpretation and, of course, more stories.

Like the previous novels, Mass Effect: Retribution attracts the attention of the reader through the story fast, aided by good adaptation work carried out Fabio Gamberini. A must for all fans, Mass Effect: Retribution is confirmed as a novel well-made 360-degree, able to join in the events of the saga in a consistent manner, adding further substance to a world more exciting.


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