When I had the crazy idea to enroll here, never, never would have thought that this place of destruction could have devastating effects on my life.
In a week my already long list of shopping at Renaissance Library has grown dramatically. Luckily, I'm sick, I have a son and a lot of work, because otherwise I would have already spent a fortune.
I found some good monographs on the myth of Narcissus (could also be a nice Christmas present for different people), Elena (be ', this as well, in a sense) and Oedipus-with-the-l'accento -e (I ordered a truck), a volume of prose montanelliane (Thanks Isa), things scattered Calvin, Beppe Viola and some amazing surprise.
I also gave a look at the forum, but I'm too snobbish to mingle with the common populace leggente. But I found one of those stupid questions, but like so much to those who love chatting, and I propose again the (no, not a chain, you can answer in the comments, let us turn to your post, do not respond at all or send me to fuck off, so now it became an Olympic sport):
What are three literary characters that you remember most and why?
I immediately ruled out Malaussene Benjamin, because I have already spoken too much, and all the characters of Brecht, because otherwise you give me an intellectual commitment.
Since I do not like to draw up charts of any kind (neither in life nor in the work, but maybe I'll have to get used to it if it goes to port this thing to the Olympics), I write the first three that come to mind:
1) Remedios the beautiful of One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) for his death, let us say Icaria and very enviable;
2) Handa of Too Loud a Solitude (Bohumil Hrabal) because it is a mockery of fate should work to destroy the books, and instead creates continuously (antithetical pain in the ass and he, too, tie!)
3) the old Phoebe of Giovane Holden (JD Salinger) and not only because it is called as the only cat I wanted really good.

(has nothing to do, but I hope for him and for us to come back soon to play like a time)
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