The first episode of my trip to Berlin is dedicated to one of those beautiful German words that have no translating into Italian and like very much to our friend Lise : the Zweisamkeit .
The Duden defines it thus: zweisame das Leben oder handeln where zweisam means: Gemeinsam, einträchtig zu zweien . Simply put it is such a thing as 'being together in harmony, in two', but not enough. It is a neologism created along the lines of Einsamkeit , that is loneliness. In place of that 'ein (ie one) was enough to enter the initial zwei (or two) to unleash a revolution semantics that is unbelievable. The Zweisamkeit is almost heavenly state in which two more or less sentient entity becomes disengaged from the world and complete in themselves.
In accordance with the reputation of magnanimous neologism that recently (and wrongly) haunts me, I would translate this wonderful term 'duitudine'. But this time I have to admit failure. Zweisamkeit in words (Italian) could not be told, however, that the example be enough to experience Serbian Marx.
(good example of duitudine)
PS If I'm not ashamed to say that the really stupid jokes Zweisamkeit on the riverside of Freiburg is defined Dreisamkeit .
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