Deadly Premonition
Developer: Access Games
Publisher: Rising Star Games
Distributor: Shardan
Genre : Adventure / Action
Platform: Xbox 360
Related Titles: Forbidden Siren (PlayStation 2), Alan Wake (Xbox 360), Resident Evil (PC, PlayStation, Saturn)
Mind Control
the age of high definition must lose the healthy habit of going beyond appearances, otherwise you might leave on the shelf a little gem like Deadly Premonition. The work of Access Games for Xbox 360 seems to come directly from the past generation, with lots of ancient graphics problems such as flickering textures and a general lack of detail. Besides the graphics, however, lies a game that can thrill like the great masterpieces thanks a cast of characters never dull, whose characterization remains the degree of interest on a higher level.
from the start we meet Francis York FBI agent Morgan (whom everyone calls York, as to not fail to stress 'beginning of every conversation), the main character of the adventure that grows with the player a whole new relationship. These in fact are very often consult with the holder of the pad to better analyze the facts or make comments on situations, but also to unravel the tangled clues found throughout the adventure. The player is not only one who checks York, and then, but becomes even Zach, his second a sort of personality that accompanies it in any situation. It 's a solution that raises intriguing one degree further involvement in the story and leads to greater identification with the main character through a series of speeches and banter with Zach that fill the downtime. In addition, York is a fan of '80s movies and there is doing his best in talking with Zach about favorite movie, complete with quotes and details that make the character even more real.
The characterization of the residents of Greenvale is one of the best locations in Deadly Premonition: rarely trivial or stereotyped, people living in the good and dark sides that make the dialogue more reason to learn more. Some of them have succeeded very well, others are bizarre beyond belief - like Mrs. Sigourney and her mystical pot - but on the whole offer faceted personalities that blend well with the atmosphere of the game.
The definition of survival horror is a bit 'close to a title like Deadly Premonition. We have to solve a grisly murder and ghosts reminiscent of The Ring to be killed, but in the end they are only devices to explore far and wide Greenvale, get busy with numerous side quests and Hobby of the place, such as darts and fishing. It embraces the dynamics of free roaming games and those ruolistici, where you must take into account the health of the protagonist through the indicators of hunger and sleep, or of its appearance, for example pulendone clothing or shaving. The implementation of a clock makes life in the city's most dynamic - although in general is rather bare - with the following shops opening and closing and characters that have become available at certain times. You can buy vehicles to move in the large game map, but you will have to pay attention to fuel level and damage, and paying a visit to the General in charge of the scrap yard you can even get some elaboration.
short, in Deadly Premonition space elements are completely atypical for a survival horror, making it innovative and intriguing at the same time. This does not mean that the party action is secondary. When you enter the parallel dimension that York is only able to see, you are fighting with weapons of various kinds against different types of ghosts, where solve simple environmental puzzles and engage in quick time alas frustrating sections including consideration of the indicator heart rate, which increases when you hold your breath or when you run. The voltage level is maintained on discrete levels when dealing with standard enemies, then climb up when you meet the man with the red raincoat: hold your breath while you are hiding in a cupboard waiting for the right moment to escape gave us a good adrenaline rush.
Unfortunately, the control system to say the least decrepit us back in the real world with a few too many curse caused by the lack of intuitiveness or by the unfortunate combination of animation and wood shots often fixed. It 's a shame as Deadly Premonition does it all - and more - to deliver the player nell'intrigo of Greenvale and in most cases he succeeds admirably, aided the excellent soundtrack and the English dub. Instead, the tiny Italian translation, afflicted from any kind of error is possible in a work of adaptation. There is much substance in Deadly Premonition, often more than they are in the titles of the first class. And when the focus was sull'intrigo, one realizes that after all the technical realization is not bad.
Raffaele Cinquegrana
Pros: excellent characterization, intriguing story, structure and innovative gaming for a survival horror
Replay Value: discreet. 50 missions and can explore the map freely
Cons: technical realization dated, problematic control system; translation full of mistakes in Italian
In Summary: Deadly Premonition surprising for its ability to thrill the player with excellent characterization of events and characters, which goes far beyond the technical shortcomings that might scare most
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