and then today I woke up at dawn, which was not really dawn, but it was very soon ... eh happens if your cat jumps nicely on the face of weight to SEIEMEZZADELMATTINO !!!!!!! ... clear whether the alarm was scheduled an hour later, but did you sleep relatively late, you know it's better not to go back to sleep ....
well short, shower, first-brew coffee of the day (my machine caffèèèèèèèè !!!!!! where are you love of my life for my attorney to the drug daily ???)... SEVEN-E -HALF (!!!) arrival at the local bar where Silvietta perky and excited as usually takes me to the second coffee of the day ... time to take the undersigned has beautifully peeled the newspaper and the morning, but then: PRIVATE! the first hour ... then sliding ENOUGH boredom 'and girls !!!!! that the table next to confide in at times used the megaphone and in half an hour you have smoked a pack of galoioses (pronounced as written between the latro) because they are lighter and thus "could make the pussy ".... . I wonder as I was at that age, as it was absorbed by law students set to private! help ... I'm getting old ....
each chapter and made to age more ... one, two, three, four, five chapters in one morning an ... more ... all the other useless and unnecessary introductions INFINITE a digression on public law ... but you kidding me ?????? damn question I already did! what sense does it specify that such things the susi never ask me and make me waste time! Well fortunately eleven o'clock arrived with Mattia Ale to absolve the studio! even though the gentleman had a bad day and the young lady had just had a fight with the boyfriend ... there must be a hormone strange in the air lately Padua !
The Ale then that tells me that I should start studying from page TWO HUNDRED! Tell me first right?? Morning threw the air! One thousand coffee in the body (for esattezza5!) nerves and so much sleep!
budget of the morning: studiacchiati UNNECESSARILY too many chapters, too much coffee, Matthew had his things, the girlfriend of Matthew came shortly after ... understand the Ale 2 / a instead of 3, her sister is clear wake up a little for her age, a new flat and clear of dani is huge! He's dead tired and then get some sleep or I should now asleep on the plates of Stefano!