Guccini said that out of the picture because the public will ask for a return and the applause, screen and pretending to be flattered by such affection, is to be jocks. for centuries, now, sing god is dead and goes, but really. We, however, say that come and go after the applause has eleonoradusici.
However, since we know that you can not do without us (as we have seen many messages from the public, private, anonymous and fake anonymous), we get back. omfaloscopia resumed broadcasts (applause and gesture of those screens, but make-believe, no, way, do not do so, maddai, okay ... yes, maybe we know that we miss, and manna ... riapplausi de-fe-ri-ca-chia-ra-de-fe-ri-ra-ca-chia, ola and standing ovation), but in different form.
Trai large as the friendships of the past have always resulted in letters, and since we do not write letters, but we communicate every day via Skype, we decided to keep as an expression OMFA of such dialogues. the rest of the posts have been so many, and it is right that the practice remains.
federica clear and will continue to talk about himself, respectively live the way you talk and egolalìa plainly - who is not interested in the vicissitudes of either will be able to avoid a ride - but express here, more or less once a week, what you say in private, to the delight of all their many fans and beautiful (and omfaaaaaa force, and we bellissimiiii ... now also distributes the gadget, and any relic many, many nocchini, good data ça va sans dire ).
I guess we'll see the famous island well, sooner or later. always call any tissue, any letter, also called some omfaloscopina.